I had a camera from studying photography in high school and wanted to capture the live joy and chaos that ensued during my uni days. I found other artists and a love for collaborations.
Sleeping Village Band Photoshoot - Commissioned
Sleeping Village Band Photoshoot - Commissioned
Sleeping Village Band Photoshoot - Commissioned

Damiasharko Photoshoot - Commissioned

Young Ghost Photoshoot

Eyelash Photoshoot - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - featuring Maxx Jewels - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - featuring Maxx Jewels - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - featuring Maxx Jewels - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - featuring Maxx Jewels - Commissioned
Photoshoot for Persuasive Apparel - Commissioned

Photoshoot for musician promotion - commissioned

Photoshoot for a Calendar - Commissioned

Photoshoot for a Calendar - Commissioned

Photoshoot for a Calendar - Commissioned

Photoshoot for Floor Five merch hats - with logo designed by me - commissioned

Photoshoot for a Calendar - Commissioned
Halloween Party

360 Camera at the top of a mountain hike
House Party Gig Photos
House Party Gig Photos